
uid use is very simple. You define the structure of the ids via a Scheme and then you generate ids via a Generator. You can choose to generate ids as Longs or use the Id type of the library.

import gr.jkl.uid.{ Scheme, Generator }

// Define the Id specification with the following parameters:
// timestamp: 42 bits
// node     : 12 bits
// sequence : 10 bits
// epoch    : 1351728000000L (01 Nov 2012 00:00:00 GMT)
implicit val scheme = Scheme(42, 12, 10, 1351728000000L)

// Construct an Id Generator for a machine with id 0
val generator = Generator(0L)

// Create a new Id
val id = generator.newId

// Create a new Id as a Long
val longId = generator.newLong
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